Knowledge HUB
Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning (a posteriori), or through introspection (a priori). Knowledge is an appreciation of the possession of interconnected details which, in isolation, are of lesser value.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Knowledge HUB : A Golf Ball

A small hard ball used in playing golf; dimpled to reduce wind resistance.
A golf ball is a ball designed for use in the game of golf.
An appendix to the "Rules of Golf" defines that a golf ball must not weigh less than 45.93 grams, that its diameter must not be less than 42.67 mm, and that its shape may not differ significantly from a symmetric sphere. Like golf clubs, golf balls are subject to testing and approval by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and the United States Golf Association, and those that do not conform with the regulations may not be used in competitions (Rule 5-1).
Golf Ball Dimples - How Many?
A golf ball usually has anywhere from 330 to 500 dimples - depending on which company designs the ball. The dimples help the ball travel further and higher.
Dimples first appeared on golf balls more than 100 years ago when golfers discovered that balls which had been scratched or roughed up traveled further than smooth balls. "Dimples are what gives a golf ball lift. They create two layers of air going around the ball. The top layer is going faster than the bottom layer which creates turbulence. This reduces the drag and allows the ball to travel further than a smooth ball.
Different companies have designed golf balls with different numbers of dimples to allow the ball to travel further. This is quite a science and involves weeks of testing and retesting. Companies can even design golf balls to suit the swing of individual golfers. So a ball used by Tiger Woods might have a completely different dimple pattern than one used by David Duvall. The ideal ball will usually have between 380 and 432 dimples.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Knowledge HUB Fact - Microwave Grape Plasma

Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
Its the damnedest thing you've ever seen. Please realize that although we haven't actually damaged any of the ovens we've done this with, the potential exists to damage or destroy the microwave that this is done in, and the possibility also exists that it could harm a human being if the proper precautions are not made.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Knowledgehub is HUB of Knowledge.

Meaning of Knowledge
1. The state or fact of knowing.
2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.
3. The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.
4. Learning; erudition: teachers of great knowledge.
5. Specific information about something.
6. Carnal knowledge.