Knowledge HUB
Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning (a posteriori), or through introspection (a priori). Knowledge is an appreciation of the possession of interconnected details which, in isolation, are of lesser value.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Knowledge HUB : Aglets

Aglets, the ickle pieces of plastic found at the end of shoelaces. You always wondered what they were called didn't you? They were famously discussed by Tom Cruise in the blockbuster Cocktail but the word has been around for ages - originally acus in Latin, which means needle or point, then accula in Latin, a diminutive form of the above. Translated into French, the word became aguillette from which we now have "aglet".
Etymology aside, the idea was used as long ago as the Romans and the Egyptians who tied off the end of bandages for mummies with waxy aglets.
Knowledge HUB : A Type Writer

- TYPEWRITER, is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
- One of the longest English words that can be typed using the top row of a typewriter (allowing multiple uses of letters) is 'typewriter.'
- 'Stewardesses' is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.